Friday, May 3, 2013

Creating Treasures from Disgarded, Old, or Broken Items.

We all have a little frugality within us!!! But it takes a great deal of creativity sometimes when looking at an item that seems like it needs to go straight to the dump and imagine it into something pleasing to the eye or useful! I am horrible at throwing stuff away........who knows I could need it someday! Which I feared could lead me to be on an episode of hoarders at the rate I was going. Then I starting reading posts and seeing pins on up cycling items and I finally felt vindicated in my junk saving obsession!:) Searching through posts and pins the ideas amazed me, I would re imagine each up cycled treasure to put my own creativity in it and make it my own, but would I able to reproduce some of these amazing up cycled items or would I just be adding to my pile of useless I began searching through pins and posts looking for items that I could re purpose and make into new treasures.

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