Sunday, May 5, 2013

Recreating a Chandelier into Outdoor Solar Lighting

I have seen a few DIY posts and pins on upcycling old chandeliers.........I decided to give it go. I wanted something unusual for my back porch to give us some evening glow. I decided I wanted to go about this in the most cost efficent way possible since I wasn't sure I would be able to produce the end result I wanted. I found an old chandelier at a resale shop for $7.00. I used some solar lights that we no longer needed and were just lying around in the shed collecting dust. These lights I orginally purchased from the dollar store for $1.50 a piece , so even if I would have had to buy some I would have chosen ones I could find that were inexpensive like these. I already had glue , acrylic paint and sealer. This light only cost me the price of the chandelier which was $7.00 , but even if i would have had to buy everything it would have been less than $20.00.

The picture on the left is the chandelier I purchased and on the right is the finished upcycled solar lighting.

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